Understanding Inline Water Pumps : How They Work and Their Benefits

Importance of An Inline Water Pump

The Beginning

Water pumps are available in various shapes, designs, and sizes. You can’t avoid the advantages of having a high-quality water pump. It is a very significant component in any hydroponic system. It helps us to transfer sufficient hydroponic nutrients and liquid. 


This time you are going to learn about a special type of best water pump. 

It’s none other than the inline water pump. You may know it as an inline water booster pump. It can boost the power of a machine to work more and more. 



It is a standard tool used in hydroponics. Usually, we place the inline water pump outside the water tank or reservoir. This pump has more active power than submersible pumps. Many industries use this kind of pump to transfer chemicals or liquids. 


An inline water pump hydroponic becomes cool with air. It transfers water from the tank into the grow tray or floor surface. Many modern pumps come with the features of a submersible water pump. You should check these if available in your water pump. 

inline pump water

Often, we have questions when we are up to buying something new. For instance, you may think of how much bigger your water inline pump would be. Here, we are giving you the answer.

There are some essential facts to know when we talk about an inline water pump. 


It’s not like you buy a pump, and it flows at somehow random speed and volume. You must think of the boosted rate of water flow. Also, the device should run for a long time.


You may see water pumps with a fixed flow-restricting feature. It helps the pump to deduct the water flow when it is pumping too much water. You will find devices come with versatile pump attachments. Usually, these are called hose heads or tips that can provide different GPH (gallons per hour). This water flow volume can be in the range of 300-500 GPH. Another thing you should look for is head height or distance. Because it also determines how fast the inline pump can flow water. 


Here are some reasons why you should install an inline water pump. 



Gravity is the invisible thing that attracts everything from the earth’s surface to its center. When you put a pump to raise water, you need to work against gravity. So, when you want to transfer water at a higher position, the speed of an inline pump should be higher. You may know that a gallon of water weighs more than 8 pounds. When the water travels a proper height, gravity will try to restrict the flow at a lower height. 


So, the size of a pump will be according to the height of the building or the position of the tank. Multiple-storied buildings require larger size inline water booster pumps. 


Distance between the pump and water source

It will also be an essential fact of the hydroponic inline water pump. It affects water pressure. If the distance is more significant, your home or business may get low water flow. Even the size of the water pipe is also essential. If the pipe is small, then the water volume will be lower. A top-rated inline water pump can prevent these problems even at a reasonable distance.


Municipal water pressure

Even if you install a promising submersible pump, you will still need an inline pump. It’s because the water flow from the resources like municipal water supply is deficient. It doesn’t matter how quality plumbing you have done. But when you use the inline booster pump, this low pressure can be altered to high pressure. 

inline water pumps

More water systems

If you use more than one water treatment system or fixture for water flow, still the inline pump will be ahead. Installing this pump may restore the original pressure and convert it to high speed and volume.

The functioning of an inline water pump


Do you know how an inline water pump works?

Already, you know that this pump multiplies the water pressure. Even it increases the flow rate too. It works almost similarly to the fan we may have in our room—this fan spins around to boost the air movement. The stainless steel-made impeller blade increases the water flow and volume. 



Most of the inline water pumps have these major standard components:



Inlet and outlet

Flow measuring device


Inline pumps have an impeller. It transfers water in through and exits through the outlet of the pump. When you turn the motor on, it enables the impellers to spin. Some inline pumps have a spinning propeller, and the rest of the others have an oscillating diaphragm.


How can you use an inline water pump?

Inline water pumps can be used anywhere you want to elevate water or industrial liquid chemicals. These pumps can pull water from the pool, pond, river, well, etc. If you own a hotel, the inline booster pump is the correct choice for you.

inline pump for water

This pump can also be used to re-pressurize liquid from the reservoir to a faucet or through a system. Use this pump for any heavy-duty water transfer work.

When you face low water pressure due to different reasons, set up the best inline water pump. 


Things to consider

Here are some common subjects you should use the inline pump for at home: 

The inline water pump is used to get benefits like a high water flow rate. To know the scale, measure how many gallons you get within every minute. 

You must know the volume of water you need every day. If there are so many users, try buying an inline water pump. 

The distance the water will flow is also essential. We request you not to waste money on submersible pumps if the range is big enough. 

When you buy an inline water pump, it will show you its capabilities on its packaging. 


A pump can create lots of sounds or vibrations. This turns into irritating matters sometimes. To reduce the noise level lower, you can do a few things. Avoid installing the device directly to the copper lines. Otherwise, the vibration may travel to the copper which creates heavy noise. You can also connect a flex connector to reduce the sound.


Final Words

So far, you have learned how the inline water pump is different from other kinds of pumps like submersible, pedestal, etc. It can boost the regular water flow speed and volume. You should be careful about choosing the best inline water pumps from the market.

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